
A swing of the leg, forward or back, the foot being in contact with the floor as it passes the supporting foot.


A 3 step movement timed 1&2 starting on either foot, e.g. step back right (1), step left next to right, then step forward right (&2).


The action of either foot fanning out from the heel.

Flick Ball Change

A 3 step movement timed 1&2 starting on either foot, e.g. flick right foot forward (1), step briefly on ball of right foot, then transfer the weight onto the left foot (&2).


A 3 step travelling movement over 3 beats to right or left, e.g. step right foot to side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to side. Usually ends with a touch, hitch, kick etc.


A raising of the leg from the knee.


A hitch with the foot crossing in front of the standing leg with the heel showing.

Jazz Box

A 4 beat/four step movement starting on either foot, e.g. cross right over left, step back left, step right foot to side, step left next to right.

Lock Step

A tight crossing of the feet, e.g. step forward right, step on left crossed behind right, step forward right.

Pigeon Toes

With weight on the balls of the feet and feet together, on beat 1 heels come apart, on beat 2 heels come together.

Pivot Turn

A 2 step move starting on either foot, e.g. step slightly forward on right, turn 1/2 or 1/4 turn left by swiveling on balls of feet ending with the weight on left foot.

Sailor Shuffle

A 3 step movement over 2 beats timed 1&2, starting on either foot, e.g. step right behind left (1), step left foot to side, then replace weight onto right foot (&2).


A 3 step movement over 2 beats timed 1&2, starting on either foot, e.g. step right foot forward (1), step left foot next to right, then step right foot forward (&2).


A 2 part step on either toe or heel, e.g. step forward on right heel then lower toes. Counted 1& or 1,2.


A continuous grapevine - an alternate crossing behind, then in front. Eight of these is a Weave.

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